International Conference of Global Confucius Institute (ICGCI)

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International Conference of Global Confucius Institute (ICGCI) 2021

November 2, 2021 – November 2, 2021

International Conference of Global Confucius Institute (ICGCI) is an conference organized by Confucius Institute. Pusat Bahasa Mandarin Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. The Theme of this conference is "The Diversity and Uniqueness of Chinese Cultural Heritage Around the World". According to statistical data, Chinese people are scattered in various parts of the world which can be referred to as overseas Chinese. They come from ethnic groups in China, such as the Khek tribe, Minnan tribe. Cantonese tribe. etc. These overseas Chinese brought Chinese culture which was passed on to their children and grandchildren. This of course affects the local community where they live usually there is a China Town. The diversity of the Chinese in each overseas area has its own. uniqueness. The Chinese culture that is acculturated to the local community needs to be studied and studied by researchers as a form of effort to preserve culture in the world.

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